Friday, April 30, 2010

Audi R8 Other technical details

The R8, like most mid- or rear-engine designed sports cars, utilises wider roadwheels and tyres on its rear axle. For the 18 inch alloy wheels (on standard summer tyres), there is just one range of sizes - the fronts are sized at 8.5Jx18H2 ET42, whilst the rears are two inches wider at 10.5Jx18H2 ET50. With the 19 inch wheels (standard fit in most markets), the theme continues - the fronts are all 8.5Jx19H2 ET42, and the rears are 11.0Jx19H2 ET50.
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Audi TT Lawsuits

On 22 June 2007, Pearson, Simon, Soter, Warshaw & Penny, LLP and the Law Office of Robert L. Starr filed a class action lawsuit against Volkswagen Group of America, alleging that the timing belts for model year 1999-2003 Audi and Volkswagen vehicles equipped with a 1.8 litre turbocharged engine fail prematurely.
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The vehicles included are the Audi TT, Audi A4 and Volkswagen Passat. The complaint alleges that the timing belts fail prior to the service interval, as stated in the owner's manual. The parties have reached a class-wide settlement, and preliminary approval of the settlement was granted by the court on 19 May 2008. Claim forms, class notice, and other documentation will be mailed on or about 1 August 2008. Details regarding the terms of the settlement will be in the notice sent to owners of the class vehicles.

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Chevrolet Equinox Second generation

The second generation Equinox was announced by GM on December 21, 2008, and debuted at the 2009 North American International Auto Show in Detroit.

The 2010 Equinox went on sale in June 2009. It is built on a stiffened version of the same "Theta" platform used in the previous model. The new Equinox has a pair of new direct-injection engines, with better fuel economy claimed by GM.

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Qual a melhor moto para fazer trilha

Yamaha XTZ 125 2008
Considerado “O Melhor Negócio 2007” do segmento, por revista especializada, chega a Rede de Concessionárias Autorizadas

A Yamaha XTZ125 2008 em suas versões K (partida a pedal) e E (partida elétrica) chega a Rede de Concessionários nas cores; azul, preta e vermelha em contraste com os novos gráficos.

O projeto já aprovado pelos consumidores da XTZ125, contou para o seu desenvolvimento com a supervisão da engenheira de off-road da Casa Matriz, o mesmo departamento responsável pelo desenvolvimento das Yamaha off-road YZ, WR e TTR.

Um exemplo do grau de comprometimento e empenho para o seu desenvolvimento é o acréscimo do exclusivo sistema de suspensão traseira denominada Active Monocross - um amortecedor com mola e óleo pressurizado a gás, uma tecnologia que elimina os links da suspensão convencional, auxiliando na redução de peso do conjunto.

O motor é um quatro tempos monocilíndrico, OHC (Over Head Camshaft), leve e compacto, arrefecido a ar e de 124cc que desenvolve 12,5 cv a 7.500 rpm. Além de versátil seu propulsor apresenta entre outras qualidades, excelentes retomadas. O carburador Mikuni VM 20SS é dotado de um sistema “enriquecedor” que possibilita acelerações mais suaves após desacelerações mais bruscas. O conjunto “respira” por meio de um filtro de ar úmido alojado em uma caixa projetada de forma a impedir a aspiração de poeira principalmente em trilhas, além de proporcionar um aproveitamento melhor da potência. O Sistema de Indução de Ar e o catalisador asseguram o respeito ao meio ambiente.

Os desenvolvimentos e soluções técnicas deste propulsor são comprovados pelo eficiente sistema de contra pesos acoplados ao eixo do virabrequim, denominado de Balance Engine, que praticamente eliminam as vibrações características aos motores monocilíndricos ou pelo prático sistema centrifugo de filtragem de óleo, que não requer a substituição de elementos filtrantes. Também alguns componentes internos do motor são mais robustos em relação ao modelo YBR 125 2008. O câmbio de cinco velocidades bem escalonado proporciona troca de marchas macias e precisas.

A suspensão dianteira é do tipo telescópica, enquanto a traseira, composta por braço oscilante em aço de alta resistência e exclusivo sistema Active Monocross. O curso de ambas as suspensões é de 180 mm.

O freio dianteiro, em ambas as versões (K e E), tem disco de 220 mm de diâmetro com acionamento hidráulico e pinça com dois pistões flutuantes, a traseira é equipada com um freio a tambor de 130 mm de diâmetro. As rodas são raiadas com 21 polegadas na dianteira e 18 polegadas na traseira, resistentes para enfrentar buracos, obstáculos e depressões.

A ergonomia também foi estudada e aplicada em relação ao posicionamento dos braços e pernas, assim como um banco longo que avança sobre o tanque de combustível, possibilitando o vaivém característico do uso em trilhas. As pedaleiras dianteiras são retrateis e as traseiras fixadas ao chassi para não transmitir os impactos da irregularidade do solo a garupa.

Os comandos à mão, junto aos punhos, são completos oferecendo entre outros, acionamento do pisca direcional com cancelamento semi-automático, botão lampejador do farol alto, botão corta-corrente e de partida elétrica (na versão com partida elétrica).

O painel de instrumentos tem um mostrador de forma oval com velocímetro e velocidade máxima indicada de 140 km/h e hodômetro total e parcial com fundo em azul, as três luzes espias, neutro, pisca e indicador do farol alto tem bom tamanho e fácil visualização.

A Yamaha XTZ125 é uma motocicleta confortável e prática para o uso no lazer ou trabalho, que utiliza a melhor tecnologia e equipamentos disponíveis atendendo assim as necessidades dos motociclistas cada vez mais exigentes.

As características do modelo que marcou uma nova fase no mercado das duas rodas em seu segmento estão presentes. Entre elas: o baixo centro de gravidade, fácil maneabilidade, robustez e economia sendo um modelo ideal para os iniciantes. O modelo XTZ125 é fruto de uma engenharia que lançou o segmento off-road no mundo, prova da reunião das melhores características entre os modelos do segmento on-off road no Brasil com um modelo que foi eleito “O Melhor Negócio de 2007” pela revista Motociclismo Magazine, da Motorpress Brasil Editora.

Os modelos XTZ125 K e XTZ125 E, estão à venda em toda Rede de Concessionárias Autorizadas Yamaha, nas cores vermelha, azul e preta, oferecendo a melhor relação custo-beneficio entre as motocicletas de sua categoria, ao preço público sugerido, de R$ 6.867,00 (XTZ125 K) e R$ 7.661,00 (XTZ125 E).

Saturday, April 10, 2010

AIR BAG, como funciona


Em uma colisão frontal, o motorista e os passageiros de um carro são arremessados para a frente e podem se ferir gravemente ao se chocarem com o volante, o painel ou o pára-brisa. Os air bags, ou almofadas infláveis, protegem as pessoas nos casos de acidente: ejetados do volante ou do painel, se enchem de nitrogênio instantaneamente. O sistema de air bag é formado por sensores eletrônicos, um inflator para produzir nitrogênio e a almofada em si. Os sensores são programados para ignorar as colisões a menos de 16 a 22 km/h. Em um choque forte, a almofada se infla por completo em 1/20 de segundo. Para as pessoas poderem sair, a almofada se esvazia assim que absorve o impacto. Os air bags podem salvar vidas, mas apenas em colisões frontais, sem substituir os cintos de segurança e as ombreiras.

Ao receber os sinais do sensor de colisão, um gerador e calor inflama substâncias químicas para produzir o nitrogênio, que infla o air bag.

Completamente cheio, o air bag absorve o impacto inicial do corpo do motorista, quando este é lançado para a frente.

Tendo protegido o corpo do motorista, o air bag se esvazia, suavizando o impacto. Dois orifícios na parte traseira da almofada deixam escapar o gás.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Automotive Wallpapers: Ferrari 599 GTO

Post by: Automotive
Maranello, is now available on the first photo and information about the new 599 GTO, extreme V12 Berlinetta developed for a brief orientation on specific performance. The 599 GTO, in fact, the fastest ever road car company. This is an exclusive special limited edition, in true Ferrari tradition, is an entirely new concept, although inspired by a production car. Actually based on the 599XX 599 GTO, the car advanced experimental songs, and can be considered almost road-going version.

GTO 599 599 are provided only for clients who are looking for maximum expression of high-performance driving. 599 GTO directly benefit from the transfer of technology from racing and set the record at Fiorano lap time in 1'24 ".

Fiorano lap time to provide only one indication of the potential of this car. Just as significant are the technical specifications - 670 hp in a 1495kg car is a ratio of weight-for-the power of only 2.23 kg / hp, and ensure the 0-100 km / h acceleration time of just 3.35 "and a top speed of more than 335 km / h

Fundamental to the performance of GTO is an innovative approach to developing the chassis, for the first time on a production car, saw the integration between the handling of the set-up according to the level of response which is close to the limit and very sophisticated electronic controls. The result is nearly complete lack of understeer and chassis really communicative.

Like Ferrari's policy, any new features Ferrari's new solutions for road cars. So the 599 GTO is equipped with the latest, second generation carbon-ceramic brakes are lighter and offer better performance, new aerodynamic innovations, such as wheel donuts that increase aerodynamic efficiency and to improve brake cooling, and Supersport tire developed by Michelin, including a wider front tire for greater roadholding. Driver interface is also new to the implementation of the Virtual Race Engineer (VRE) that provides drivers with immediate information on the performance.

599 GTO is more aggressive character also appears in a number of elements which recall the style of 599XX and a strong voice from the V12.

The GTO (Gran Turismo Omologata) moniker direct calls to mind both the Ferrari that has entered the collective imagination as a symbol of performance. After the 1962 250 GTO, which swept the board in GT racing category in 1960 and is now a very valuable collector's car, came by its iconic 1984 GTO, which basically created a whole genre of modern supercars.

Special web including photos, videos and interviews on a new car, while an exclusive preview to a small number of clients Ferrari will be held on 14 April at the Military Academy in Modena. The public debut of the 599 GTO would likely be in the Beijing International Motor Show in late April.


Engine and gearbox

GTO 599 engine is derived directly from the unit 599XX execution, but the modifications required for the road-going homologation. Thus, in accordance with the Euro 5 and LEV 2 standards. The 5999 cc 65-degree V12 engine blows out 670 CV at 8250 rpm with maximum torque of 620 Nm at 6500 rpm and there's a rush, smooth constant power all the way to redline with no loss of flexibility even at low and medium revs. This result is obtained by working on-fluid dynamics and components to reduce internal friction and by adopting, inter alia, a redesigned crankshaft 599XX. The car also has a racing-type intake system with a new intake manifold with a geometry diffuser-type and short inlet channel is designed to increase the supply of power at high revs and reduce losses. To maximize the volumetric efficiency per cylinder, Connections between the two plenums in front to compensate the volume variation. This is how the engineers managed to achieve maximum performance at high engine speeds. Engine noise in the car carefully controlled to balance the intake with the exhaust sound, which is equipped with a manifold 6-to-1-derived 599XX.

599 GTO of the same features, lower 60 ms time shift and the possibility to make some downshifts as in the 599XX.


One of the most significant innovation of the 599 GTO is a high correlation between the chassis set-up, which is close to the limits of handling, and input from the electronic control was developed to improve the overall performance level.

Because of the very early state of development of two cars', Maranello engineers work to ensure that these two areas of the car will be smooth so that push to limit the integrated response. The result is, of course, the involvement of superlatives and drive a lap faster. Apart from the new pool and bar rear anti-roll stiffness, the car is also equipped with magnetorheological suspension system of the second generation control (SCM2). suspension work closely with the VDC (Vehicle Dynamic Control) and the latest generation of traction control-F1-Trac. This makes the car very responsive to driver input - thanks in part to the application of very direct steering ratio - but also very stable under braking, sharper on turn-in, which is more appropriate in faster cornering and out of the corner.


599 GTO inherited most of the construction work - by using the same principles as used in F1 - that went into making cars 599XX such extreme performance. Losing weight is an important goal and the result is the extensive use of composites and components manufactured with technology that is more similar to racing specifications. Areas involved include bodywork and in the greenhouse (with thin gauge aluminum and glass thinner), brakes, transmissions and exhaust systems. The result was 1495 kg dry weight and ratio of weight-for-the power of only 2.23 kg / hp, a significant figure that underscores the potential for GTO's performance.


599 GTO aerodynamics which has benefited significantly from the experience in F1 and Ferrari engineer with 599XX which allows downforce will be greatly increased without impacting on the drag. Thank you for the solution to be transferred from the car lane road-going version, GTO that produce as much as 144 kg of downforce at 200 km / h. All Cars sharpening, including front, side, the flat underbody and cooling flows. In the second instance, GTO can count increase and ducting to a disc brake pads, and the adoption of a donut wheels - disc position outside the disc brakes which ensure that the hot air out wheelarch remain as close as possible to the car body to reduce drag.

Working on the car's nose was designed to reduce the width of wake generated by the front and thus reduces the drag. Lower front spoiler also has a separate wing that increases downforce on the front of the car and improve airflow to radiator oil cooler. On the sides there is a new threshold leading design more clearly that increases the efficiency of the center of the underbody. The underbody itself combine parts, new lower front with the front diffusers front wheels to optimize downforce, and the double curve of a new rear diffuser.


Here's the size difference between the front and rear tires have been changed. The GTO front tire is now 285/30 on 9.5 channels''with 315/35 in 11.5''in the rear channels. 599 GTO has 20''rims. Roll stiffness is greater at the rear to minimize understeer. This solution ensures increased lateral grip and turn a quick login


The CCM2 new braking system is lighter and even more consistent in high performance situations. Consistent coefficient of friction means that the ABS former can be calibrated to a particularly high level of achievement, further reducing cycle time, thanks to enhanced deceleration and stopping distance is shorter. In fact, it offers 100 599 GTO is very good for 0 km / h braking distance of just 32.5 meters. Like their role in improving the aerodynamics, wheel of a Formula 1 derived from the donut also improve braking efficiency by optimizing the cooling of the brakes.


Car-driver interface is designed to maximize the performance of the car and driver to the layout of the main command that ensures absolute efficiency and minimum disruption. The manettino Racing also places a strong emphasis on sporty driving track-specific settings by offering drivers a full choice of parameters associated with electronic controls. ICE's position on the 599 GTB Fiorano has been replaced by CT-Off (traction control off). GTO is also equipped with a bespoke, another F1 paddle-carbon fiber to be used more easily in high speed driving. Besides GTO also features a Virtual Race Engineer, a system that monitors the status of the car driver's visibility and provide direct vehicle performance.

GTO 599 technical specifications

Length: 4710 mm (185.4 in)
Width: 1962 mm (77.2 in)
Height: 1326 mm (52.2 in)
Wheelbase: 2750 mm (108.3 in)
Front track: 1701 mm (67.0 in)
Rear track: 1618 mm (63.7 in)
* Dry Weight: 1495 kg (3296 pounds)
* Kerb weight: 1605 kg (3538 pounds)
Weight distribution: 47% front - 53% rear
Fuel tank capacity: 105 liters (27.7 U.S. gal/23.1 UK / gal)
Boot Volume: 320 liters (11.3 cu ft)

Type: V12 - 65 °
Bore & stroke: 92 x 75.2 mm (3.62 x 2.96 in)
Unitary displacement: 499.9 cc (30.51 cu in)
Total displacement: 5999 cc (366.08 cu in)
Compression ratio: 11.2:1
Maximum power: 500 kW (670 CV) at 8250 rpm
Maximum torque: 620 Nm (457 pounds / ft) at 6500 rpm

F1 + 6-speed reverse

Control SCM2 - Supension Magnetorheological

Front: 285/30 ZR20''
Rear: 315/35 ZR20''

Front: 398 x 38 mm (15.7 x 1.5 in)
Rear: 360 x 32 mm (14.2 x 1.3 ins)

CST with F1-Trac: traction and stability control
TPTMS: Tyre pressure and temperature monitoring system

Maximum speed: more than 335 km / h (over 208 mph)
0-100 km / h (0-62 mph): 3.35 sec

Combined cycle (ECE) *: 17.5 l/100 km
CO2 emissions
Combined Cycle (ECE) *: 411 g / km
* European Version

source: Ferrari Press

Automotive Wallpapers: Ferrari 599 GTO

Post by: Automotive

Maranello, is now available on the first photo and information about the new 599 GTO, extreme V12 Berlinetta developed for a brief orientation on specific performance. The 599 GTO, in fact, the fastest ever road car company. This is an exclusive special limited edition, in true Ferrari tradition, is an entirely new concept, although inspired by a production car. Actually based on the 599XX 599 GTO, the car advanced experimental songs, and can be considered almost road-going version.

GTO 599 599 are provided only for clients who are looking for maximum expression of high-performance driving. 599 GTO directly benefit from the transfer of technology from racing and set the record at Fiorano lap time in 1'24 ".

Fiorano lap time to provide only one indication of the potential of this car. Just as significant are the technical specifications - 670 hp in a 1495kg car is a ratio of weight-for-the power of only 2.23 kg / hp, and ensure the 0-100 km / h acceleration time of just 3.35 "and a top speed of more than 335 km / h

Fundamental to the performance of GTO is an innovative approach to developing the chassis, for the first time on a production car, saw the integration between the handling of the set-up according to the level of response which is close to the limit and very sophisticated electronic controls. The result is nearly complete lack of understeer and chassis really communicative.

Like Ferrari's policy, any new features Ferrari's new solutions for road cars. So the 599 GTO is equipped with the latest, second generation carbon-ceramic brakes are lighter and offer better performance, new aerodynamic innovations, such as wheel donuts that increase aerodynamic efficiency and to improve brake cooling, and Supersport tire developed by Michelin, including a wider front tire for greater roadholding. Driver interface is also new to the implementation of the Virtual Race Engineer (VRE) that provides drivers with immediate information on the performance.

599 GTO is more aggressive character also appears in a number of elements which recall the style of 599XX and a strong voice from the V12.

The GTO (Gran Turismo Omologata) moniker direct calls to mind both the Ferrari that has entered the collective imagination as a symbol of performance. After the 1962 250 GTO, which swept the board in GT racing category in 1960 and is now a very valuable collector's car, came by its iconic 1984 GTO, which basically created a whole genre of modern supercars.

Special web including photos, videos and interviews on a new car, while an exclusive preview to a small number of clients Ferrari will be held on 14 April at the Military Academy in Modena. The public debut of the 599 GTO would likely be in the Beijing International Motor Show in late April.


Engine and gearbox

GTO 599 engine is derived directly from the unit 599XX execution, but the modifications required for the road-going homologation. Thus, in accordance with the Euro 5 and LEV 2 standards. The 5999 cc 65-degree V12 engine blows out 670 CV at 8250 rpm with maximum torque of 620 Nm at 6500 rpm and there's a rush, smooth constant power all the way to redline with no loss of flexibility even at low and medium revs. This result is obtained by working on-fluid dynamics and components to reduce internal friction and by adopting, inter alia, a redesigned crankshaft 599XX. The car also has a racing-type intake system with a new intake manifold with a geometry diffuser-type and short inlet channel is designed to increase the supply of power at high revs and reduce losses. To maximize the volumetric efficiency per cylinder, Connections between the two plenums in front to compensate the volume variation. This is how the engineers managed to achieve maximum performance at high engine speeds. Engine noise in the car carefully controlled to balance the intake with the exhaust sound, which is equipped with a manifold 6-to-1-derived 599XX.

599 GTO of the same features, lower 60 ms time shift and the possibility to make some downshifts as in the 599XX.


One of the most significant innovation of the 599 GTO is a high correlation between the chassis set-up, which is close to the limits of handling, and input from the electronic control was developed to improve the overall performance level.

Because of the very early state of development of two cars', Maranello engineers work to ensure that these two areas of the car will be smooth so that push to limit the integrated response. The result is, of course, the involvement of superlatives and drive a lap faster. Apart from the new pool and bar rear anti-roll stiffness, the car is also equipped with magnetorheological suspension system of the second generation control (SCM2). suspension work closely with the VDC (Vehicle Dynamic Control) and the latest generation of traction control-F1-Trac. This makes the car very responsive to driver input - thanks in part to the application of very direct steering ratio - but also very stable under braking, sharper on turn-in, which is more appropriate in faster cornering and out of the corner.


599 GTO inherited most of the construction work - by using the same principles as used in F1 - that went into making cars 599XX such extreme performance. Losing weight is an important goal and the result is the extensive use of composites and components manufactured with technology that is more similar to racing specifications. Areas involved include bodywork and in the greenhouse (with thin gauge aluminum and glass thinner), brakes, transmissions and exhaust systems. The result was 1495 kg dry weight and ratio of weight-for-the power of only 2.23 kg / hp, a significant figure that underscores the potential for GTO's performance.


599 GTO aerodynamics which has benefited significantly from the experience in F1 and Ferrari engineer with 599XX which allows downforce will be greatly increased without impacting on the drag. Thank you for the solution to be transferred from the car lane road-going version, GTO that produce as much as 144 kg of downforce at 200 km / h. All Cars sharpening, including front, side, the flat underbody and cooling flows. In the second instance, GTO can count increase and ducting to a disc brake pads, and the adoption of a donut wheels - disc position outside the disc brakes which ensure that the hot air out wheelarch remain as close as possible to the car body to reduce drag.

Working on the car's nose was designed to reduce the width of wake generated by the front and thus reduces the drag. Lower front spoiler also has a separate wing that increases downforce on the front of the car and improve airflow to radiator oil cooler. On the sides there is a new threshold leading design more clearly that increases the efficiency of the center of the underbody. The underbody itself combine parts, new lower front with the front diffusers front wheels to optimize downforce, and the double curve of a new rear diffuser.


Here's the size difference between the front and rear tires have been changed. The GTO front tire is now 285/30 on 9.5 channels''with 315/35 in 11.5''in the rear channels. 599 GTO has 20''rims. Roll stiffness is greater at the rear to minimize understeer. This solution ensures increased lateral grip and turn a quick login


The CCM2 new braking system is lighter and even more consistent in high performance situations. Consistent coefficient of friction means that the ABS former can be calibrated to a particularly high level of achievement, further reducing cycle time, thanks to enhanced deceleration and stopping distance is shorter. In fact, it offers 100 599 GTO is very good for 0 km / h braking distance of just 32.5 meters. Like their role in improving the aerodynamics, wheel of a Formula 1 derived from the donut also improve braking efficiency by optimizing the cooling of the brakes.


Car-driver interface is designed to maximize the performance of the car and driver to the layout of the main command that ensures absolute efficiency and minimum disruption. The manettino Racing also places a strong emphasis on sporty driving track-specific settings by offering drivers a full choice of parameters associated with electronic controls. ICE's position on the 599 GTB Fiorano has been replaced by CT-Off (traction control off). GTO is also equipped with a bespoke, another F1 paddle-carbon fiber to be used more easily in high speed driving. Besides GTO also features a Virtual Race Engineer, a system that monitors the status of the car driver's visibility and provide direct vehicle performance.

GTO 599 technical specifications

Length: 4710 mm (185.4 in)
Width: 1962 mm (77.2 in)
Height: 1326 mm (52.2 in)
Wheelbase: 2750 mm (108.3 in)
Front track: 1701 mm (67.0 in)
Rear track: 1618 mm (63.7 in)
* Dry Weight: 1495 kg (3296 pounds)
* Kerb weight: 1605 kg (3538 pounds)
Weight distribution: 47% front - 53% rear
Fuel tank capacity: 105 liters (27.7 U.S. gal/23.1 UK / gal)
Boot Volume: 320 liters (11.3 cu ft)

Type: V12 - 65 °
Bore & stroke: 92 x 75.2 mm (3.62 x 2.96 in)
Unitary displacement: 499.9 cc (30.51 cu in)
Total displacement: 5999 cc (366.08 cu in)
Compression ratio: 11.2:1
Maximum power: 500 kW (670 CV) at 8250 rpm
Maximum torque: 620 Nm (457 pounds / ft) at 6500 rpm

F1 + 6-speed reverse

Control SCM2 - Supension Magnetorheological

Front: 285/30 ZR20''
Rear: 315/35 ZR20''

Front: 398 x 38 mm (15.7 x 1.5 in)
Rear: 360 x 32 mm (14.2 x 1.3 ins)

CST with F1-Trac: traction and stability control
TPTMS: Tyre pressure and temperature monitoring system

Maximum speed: more than 335 km / h (over 208 mph)
0-100 km / h (0-62 mph): 3.35 sec

Combined cycle (ECE) *: 17.5 l/100 km
CO2 emissions
Combined Cycle (ECE) *: 411 g / km
* European Version

source: Ferrari Press

Automotive Wallpapers: Ferrari 599 GTO

Post by: Automotive
Maranello, is now available on the first photo and information about the new 599 GTO, extreme V12 Berlinetta developed for a brief orientation on specific performance. The 599 GTO, in fact, the fastest ever road car company. This is an exclusive special limited edition, in true Ferrari tradition, is an entirely new concept, although inspired by a production car. Actually based on the 599XX 599 GTO, the car advanced experimental songs, and can be considered almost road-going version.

GTO 599 599 are provided only for clients who are looking for maximum expression of high-performance driving. 599 GTO directly benefit from the transfer of technology from racing and set the record at Fiorano lap time in 1'24 ".

Fiorano lap time to provide only one indication of the potential of this car. Just as significant are the technical specifications - 670 hp in a 1495kg car is a ratio of weight-for-the power of only 2.23 kg / hp, and ensure the 0-100 km / h acceleration time of just 3.35 "and a top speed of more than 335 km / h

Fundamental to the performance of GTO is an innovative approach to developing the chassis, for the first time on a production car, saw the integration between the handling of the set-up according to the level of response which is close to the limit and very sophisticated electronic controls. The result is nearly complete lack of understeer and chassis really communicative.

Like Ferrari's policy, any new features Ferrari's new solutions for road cars. So the 599 GTO is equipped with the latest, second generation carbon-ceramic brakes are lighter and offer better performance, new aerodynamic innovations, such as wheel donuts that increase aerodynamic efficiency and to improve brake cooling, and Supersport tire developed by Michelin, including a wider front tire for greater roadholding. Driver interface is also new to the implementation of the Virtual Race Engineer (VRE) that provides drivers with immediate information on the performance.

599 GTO is more aggressive character also appears in a number of elements which recall the style of 599XX and a strong voice from the V12.

The GTO (Gran Turismo Omologata) moniker direct calls to mind both the Ferrari that has entered the collective imagination as a symbol of performance. After the 1962 250 GTO, which swept the board in GT racing category in 1960 and is now a very valuable collector's car, came by its iconic 1984 GTO, which basically created a whole genre of modern supercars.

Special web including photos, videos and interviews on a new car, while an exclusive preview to a small number of clients Ferrari will be held on 14 April at the Military Academy in Modena. The public debut of the 599 GTO would likely be in the Beijing International Motor Show in late April.


Engine and gearbox

GTO 599 engine is derived directly from the unit 599XX execution, but the modifications required for the road-going homologation. Thus, in accordance with the Euro 5 and LEV 2 standards. The 5999 cc 65-degree V12 engine blows out 670 CV at 8250 rpm with maximum torque of 620 Nm at 6500 rpm and there's a rush, smooth constant power all the way to redline with no loss of flexibility even at low and medium revs. This result is obtained by working on-fluid dynamics and components to reduce internal friction and by adopting, inter alia, a redesigned crankshaft 599XX. The car also has a racing-type intake system with a new intake manifold with a geometry diffuser-type and short inlet channel is designed to increase the supply of power at high revs and reduce losses. To maximize the volumetric efficiency per cylinder, Connections between the two plenums in front to compensate the volume variation. This is how the engineers managed to achieve maximum performance at high engine speeds. Engine noise in the car carefully controlled to balance the intake with the exhaust sound, which is equipped with a manifold 6-to-1-derived 599XX.

599 GTO of the same features, lower 60 ms time shift and the possibility to make some downshifts as in the 599XX.


One of the most significant innovation of the 599 GTO is a high correlation between the chassis set-up, which is close to the limits of handling, and input from the electronic control was developed to improve the overall performance level.

Because of the very early state of development of two cars', Maranello engineers work to ensure that these two areas of the car will be smooth so that push to limit the integrated response. The result is, of course, the involvement of superlatives and drive a lap faster. Apart from the new pool and bar rear anti-roll stiffness, the car is also equipped with magnetorheological suspension system of the second generation control (SCM2). suspension work closely with the VDC (Vehicle Dynamic Control) and the latest generation of traction control-F1-Trac. This makes the car very responsive to driver input - thanks in part to the application of very direct steering ratio - but also very stable under braking, sharper on turn-in, which is more appropriate in faster cornering and out of the corner.


599 GTO inherited most of the construction work - by using the same principles as used in F1 - that went into making cars 599XX such extreme performance. Losing weight is an important goal and the result is the extensive use of composites and components manufactured with technology that is more similar to racing specifications. Areas involved include bodywork and in the greenhouse (with thin gauge aluminum and glass thinner), brakes, transmissions and exhaust systems. The result was 1495 kg dry weight and ratio of weight-for-the power of only 2.23 kg / hp, a significant figure that underscores the potential for GTO's performance.


599 GTO aerodynamics which has benefited significantly from the experience in F1 and Ferrari engineer with 599XX which allows downforce will be greatly increased without impacting on the drag. Thank you for the solution to be transferred from the car lane road-going version, GTO that produce as much as 144 kg of downforce at 200 km / h. All Cars sharpening, including front, side, the flat underbody and cooling flows. In the second instance, GTO can count increase and ducting to a disc brake pads, and the adoption of a donut wheels - disc position outside the disc brakes which ensure that the hot air out wheelarch remain as close as possible to the car body to reduce drag.

Working on the car's nose was designed to reduce the width of wake generated by the front and thus reduces the drag. Lower front spoiler also has a separate wing that increases downforce on the front of the car and improve airflow to radiator oil cooler. On the sides there is a new threshold leading design more clearly that increases the efficiency of the center of the underbody. The underbody itself combine parts, new lower front with the front diffusers front wheels to optimize downforce, and the double curve of a new rear diffuser.


Here's the size difference between the front and rear tires have been changed. The GTO front tire is now 285/30 on 9.5 channels''with 315/35 in 11.5''in the rear channels. 599 GTO has 20''rims. Roll stiffness is greater at the rear to minimize understeer. This solution ensures increased lateral grip and turn a quick login


The CCM2 new braking system is lighter and even more consistent in high performance situations. Consistent coefficient of friction means that the ABS former can be calibrated to a particularly high level of achievement, further reducing cycle time, thanks to enhanced deceleration and stopping distance is shorter. In fact, it offers 100 599 GTO is very good for 0 km / h braking distance of just 32.5 meters. Like their role in improving the aerodynamics, wheel of a Formula 1 derived from the donut also improve braking efficiency by optimizing the cooling of the brakes.


Car-driver interface is designed to maximize the performance of the car and driver to the layout of the main command that ensures absolute efficiency and minimum disruption. The manettino Racing also places a strong emphasis on sporty driving track-specific settings by offering drivers a full choice of parameters associated with electronic controls. ICE's position on the 599 GTB Fiorano has been replaced by CT-Off (traction control off). GTO is also equipped with a bespoke, another F1 paddle-carbon fiber to be used more easily in high speed driving. Besides GTO also features a Virtual Race Engineer, a system that monitors the status of the car driver's visibility and provide direct vehicle performance.

GTO 599 technical specifications

Length: 4710 mm (185.4 in)
Width: 1962 mm (77.2 in)
Height: 1326 mm (52.2 in)
Wheelbase: 2750 mm (108.3 in)
Front track: 1701 mm (67.0 in)
Rear track: 1618 mm (63.7 in)
* Dry Weight: 1495 kg (3296 pounds)
* Kerb weight: 1605 kg (3538 pounds)
Weight distribution: 47% front - 53% rear
Fuel tank capacity: 105 liters (27.7 U.S. gal/23.1 UK / gal)
Boot Volume: 320 liters (11.3 cu ft)

Type: V12 - 65 °
Bore & stroke: 92 x 75.2 mm (3.62 x 2.96 in)
Unitary displacement: 499.9 cc (30.51 cu in)
Total displacement: 5999 cc (366.08 cu in)
Compression ratio: 11.2:1
Maximum power: 500 kW (670 CV) at 8250 rpm
Maximum torque: 620 Nm (457 pounds / ft) at 6500 rpm

F1 + 6-speed reverse

Control SCM2 - Supension Magnetorheological

Front: 285/30 ZR20''
Rear: 315/35 ZR20''

Front: 398 x 38 mm (15.7 x 1.5 in)
Rear: 360 x 32 mm (14.2 x 1.3 ins)

CST with F1-Trac: traction and stability control
TPTMS: Tyre pressure and temperature monitoring system

Maximum speed: more than 335 km / h (over 208 mph)
0-100 km / h (0-62 mph): 3.35 sec

Combined cycle (ECE) *: 17.5 l/100 km
CO2 emissions
Combined Cycle (ECE) *: 411 g / km
* European Version

source: Ferrari Press

Monday, April 5, 2010

Atenção nas Curvas abertas

Curvas abertas

Não importa se o terreno está liso ou não, o método é o mesmo. Mantenha-se em pé, não sente. Ainda em linha reta, comece a desaceleração, vindo pela parte de fora da curva. Antes de iniciar a curva, trave seu freio traseiro, fazendo com que a moto derrape para se alinhar à parte de dentro da curva, apontando para a saída dela. Assim que ela estiver se alinhando, faça pressão na pedaleira do lado de fora da curva e retome a aceleração. Isto vai fazer com que você termine de derrapar enquanto aumenta a velocidade e, ao mesmo tempo, mantém seu corpo e a moto equilibrados, por causa da pressão na pedaleira. A melhor maneira de treinar este tipo de curva é fazê-las num terreno liso, forçando a derrapagem, até que você sinta confiança de que não vai sair voando curva afora.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Atenção nas Curvas Fechadas

Curvas Fechadas

Existem muitos modos de se fazer uma curva fechada. Vamos explicar dois deles. Ambos têm seu prós e contras.

1. Imagine um ponto no meio da curva. Trace uma reta que vai de onde você está até este ponto e outra que vai do ponto para a saída da curva. É assim que você vai fazê-la. Como ? Simples: Não reduza a velocidade; freie pouco antes do ponto determinado, travando a roda traseira e derrapando a moto de forma que ela se alinhe à outra reta. Pronto, a curva está feita. Enquanto você derrapa, reduza a marcha para já sair forte da curva. A desvantagem desta curva é que você sai um pouco mais lento mas, em compensação, você freou depois do seu adversário e não precisou fazer uma "tomada" de curva, só precisou de um ponto.

2. Você irá reduzir um pouco antes da curva e, ao entrar nela, deslocar seu centro de gravidade para frente (sentando quase em cima do tanque), jogar a perna que estiver do lado de dentro da curva para frente, em direção à roda dianteira (não é para pôr o pé no chão, é para aumentar o peso na roda da frente) e calçar o máximo que puder o outro pé na pedaleira. Isso fará com que você aumente o peso na roda dianteira evitando que ela escorregue e manterá seu equilíbrio quando a roda traseira derrapar. Num ponto da curva (você vai ter que descobrir o seu ponto) você começa a acelerar forte. A moto deve escorregar um pouco. Quando alinhar a moto na reta, você já deve estar voltando para a posição em pé, jogando seu peso na roda de trás para dar mais tração à roda traseira. A vantagem é de você sair forte da curva. Com prática, você deve conseguir fazer mais rápido do que a outra, mas você precisa de espaço para isso. Se estiver no corpo-a-corpo e seu adversário souber fazer a outra curva, é provável que você fique para trás.